A New Day, Indeed

UFO, No More

As many of my readers know, I'm very interested in the alternate technologies that can help make life easier for all inhabitants of our planet. Some of these technologies are in use today, and others have yet to be realized by us, the consumer. I want to be very clear with you all today. The information I'm about to share will indeed change your life. That is to say; this statement is not an exaggeration. Extraterrestrials have visited our nation, and clusters within our government are taking advantage of the related advanced technologies.

On May 17, 2022, the House Oversight Committee's Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs held a hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomena known as UAPs (previously UFOs). The hearing featured firsthand accounts of UAP sightings and assessed their possible threat to U.S. national security.

The witnesses at the hearing included three men who all served in the military. First, David Grusch, a former military intelligence officer, believes the government has withheld information about UAPs from Congress since the 1930s.

Look, up there! 

Grusch said he first became interested in UAPs in the early 1990s when he was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. He said he saw several unexplained objects in the sky, including one that he described as a "metallic disc" flying at high speeds and changing direction abruptly.

Grusch said that he reported his sightings to his superiors, but they were not interested in investigating them. Furthermore, he said that he was eventually told to stop talking about UAPs.

Grusch said that he believes that the government has known about UAPs for decades but has kept the information secret from the public. Moreover, he said he is concerned that UAPs could threaten national security and that the government needs to be more transparent about the issue.

The security concern is not for public safety but for the most apparent reason, technological superiority. In other words, we would be at risk if a craft could go faster and maneuver better than anything the U.S. has in its fleet. 

Number Two

Second, Luis Elizondo, a former Pentagon official who led the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a secret government program investigating UAPs. He has spoken out about his experience with UAPs numerous times and has advocated for increased transparency.

Elizondo has said that he first became interested in UAPs in the early 2000s while working as an intelligence officer for the Department of Defense. He said that he would investigate many unexplained aerial phenomena, and he knew that they were not of human origin.

Elizondo has described UAPs as objects that move at high speeds, change direction abruptly, and appear to be able to defy the laws of physics. He has also said that UAPs can appear on radar and are tracked by military aircraft.


Elizondo has said that he believes that the government has known about UAPs for decades but has kept the information secret from the public. Louis hopes his testimony helps move the public understanding of UAPs into a more positive light. Most importantly, this new technology allows us to move freely around the planet and to other solar systems. 

Elizondo's testimony has helped to raise awareness of the issue of UAPs. His testimony may eventually lead to the government releasing more information about UAPs.

Here are some of the specific things that Elizondo has said about his experience with UAPs:

  • He has seen UAPs on radar and tracked them with military aircraft.
  • UAPs have been seen by multiple witnesses, including pilots, air traffic controllers, and military personnel.
  • Many UAPs are in restricted airspace and interact with military aircraft.
  • UAPs exhibit extraordinary capabilities, such as moving at high speeds, changing direction abruptly, and disappearing from radar.
  • Elizondo believes that UAPs are not of human origin.

Keep Going 

Finally, there is Christopher Mellon. He is a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence who has been a vocal advocate for increased transparency about UAPs. He has spoken out about his experience with UAPs numerous times and has written extensively on the topic.

Mellon has said that he first became interested in UAPs in the early 2000s while working as an intelligence officer for the Department of Defense. He said that he was investigating a number of unexplained aerial phenomena and that he also knew that they were not of human origin.

Further, Christopher has said that he believes that the government has known about UAPs for decades but has kept the information secret from the public.

Consequently, Mellon's claims about UAPs are also met with mixed reactions. Some people have praised him for coming forward and speaking out about the issue. Others have criticized him for his lack of evidence to support his claims.


Despite the criticism, Mellon's testimony has helped to raise awareness of the issue of UAPs. His testimony may eventually lead to the government releasing more information about UAPs.

Here are some of the specific things that Mellon has said about his experience with UAPs:

Like the other men at the hearing, he has said he has seen UAPs on radar and tracked them with military aircraft. In addition, the UAPs have been seen by multiple witnesses, including pilots, air traffic controllers, and military personnel. Above all, the UAPs exhibit extraordinary capabilities, such as moving at high speeds, changing direction abruptly, and disappearing from radar. He declares that these are extraterrestrial craft.

In addition to his public statements, Mellon has also written extensively about UAPs. In 2021, he co-authored a book with former CIA official Harry Reid called "The UFO Phenomenon: A New Era of U.S. Government Disclosure." The book provides a comprehensive overview of the history of UAPs and includes Mellon's insights and analysis.

How Much more proof?

Only time will tell what the truth is about UAPs. However, Mellon's testimony has helped to raise awareness of the issue. Despite the criticism, these men's testimonies have helped raise awareness of UAPs. As a result, their testimony may eventually lead to more disclosure about UAPs.

These men described many UAP sightings that they had experienced firsthand or investigated. They all described objects that moved at high speeds, changed direction abruptly, and appeared to be able to defy the laws of physics. Consequently, some of them also expressed concern that UAPs could pose a threat to U.S. national security.

As a result, anyone who has read or listened directly to the testimony (watch the video here) will know that we have made contact with off-world beings and have technology that the public and Congress are unaware of. Moreover, the security threat may become a rallying cry for military and private companies to receive public funding to protect us. To be clear, if certain government factions have access to this technology, the public and its elected officials have the right to know about it.   

UFO photographed by Italian pilot Giancarlo Cecconi, 1979

Only You! 

In conclusion of the hearing, the government has taken steps to increase transparency about UAPs. In June 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report on UAPs that acknowledged that the government does not have an explanation for many of the sightings. The report also stated that the government is taking the issue seriously and is working to improve its understanding of UAPs.

The hearing was a significant step forward in discussing this mysterious phenomenon publicly. However, it is just a first step in educating the public that new and exciting technology exists today. It is now up to you to decide if it is a threat or an extraordinary opportunity for us to have a world of free energy and new means of travel. I choose the latter. How about you?


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