What Universe can I Choose?

I'd like you to imagine that you can choose the Universe of your choice. Maybe one where you are the President of the United Northern Continent or where the Central American Indians are still in mass and have a substantial presence in our government and help guide us in the treatment and consumption of our land, air, and water. Or maybe your Universe is one that has no government, and all people on your earth share ideas, goods, and services to support each other, and we have interplanetary trade with other beings from different worlds.  
No, this is not a screenplay for the next Avenger's Marvel movie franchise but an opportunity for you to start to realize that our scientists and physicist today are working closely to explain as well as understand the multiverse reality.   
Do we live in a multiple universe?  Scientists today are not only embracing the fact that the multiverse exists but that this science is one of the best ways we can describe the world and, better yet, the reality we all live in today. I don't want to shower you in facts and figures, but if you look at a picture of our universe as we see it today, you'll know that it is about 13.8 billion years old and about 150 billion trillion miles across. Now take all that data and make it a multi-dimensional structure because we don't look at the universe like it is a two-dimensional square. If you consider that the planets we have in our solar system and galaxy are round, then you can hypothesize that the universe is probably spherical as well and is constantly expanding in every direction.    
If we take the information above and apply it to a picture, you will see a large sphere dominating the picture and a smaller sphere at the lower right. The smaller sphere represents what our scientists can see and measure today. About 4% of the "known" universe. The other 96% is completely unknown to us, and we can only speculate on its size and content.  
96% Overall

We are only aware of 4% of our known Universe.  Imagine what is beyond your own imagination.  

So, now that you have a mental picture of just how big the universe is, you can forget all that I have shared with you and get back to imagining that you can jump from universe to universe within the multiverse at any point in the day that you want to. Yes, you can choose the universe you'd like to be in, all that it takes is for you to imagine that it is possible.  
Quantum Physicists today believe that you are already choosing your universe every second of every day. You are just limiting yourself to this one and maybe three other universes. You know this makes sense to you because you call it your sixth sense. You know that time where you were about to cross the street and you "decided" not to, and a car comes zooming by just as you pull back. Or that time you "decided" not to go to a party and you ended up staying home, and the phone rang, and it was the person you really wanted to spend time with on the other end asking you to hang out. 
Let's all get outside of that comfort zone of three to four universes and reach for maybe ten or twelve. If you enjoy sci-fi or are creative, you'll get this a lot faster based on your predilection for creativity. If you are a fact-based, empirical data type person, start investigating the science and then let your imagination take over, you have nothing to lose but the multiverse that is out there just waiting for you to use it.   
Remember, you are 99.9% energy, and you can use that energy in any way you "think" you can.  Go, have fun, and explore what you are capable of creating for yourself.  


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