To be or not to be

Green Day 

Happy New Year everyone! It's a no-jive, 2025 kind of year. In the tradition of starting resolutions to change or upgrade my personal habits, I thought I would incorporate this line, "To thine own self be true" (Hamlet) in the new year. So, my topic today is William Shakespeare. Before you stop reading, please note that I'm about to share with you the fact that some believe he was never a real person. That should get your attention. Yes, a man who wrote 39 plays, 154 sonnets, and many poems was not real.

How can this be, you ask? I recently found a podcast hosting Alan Green, a musician turned Shakespeare codebreaker. To clarify, Green never had an interest in Shakespeare. However, one day, he went to an L.A. 

play about Shakespeare, highlighting the lack of documented details about Shakespeare's life, which fueled his curiosity. 

Who Art they

Meanwhile, Green learns that Shakespeare never wrote a single letter or notes to anyone, which is mysterious. He wrote six epic poems, 154 sonnets, and 36 or more plays—for example, Hamlet, Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet.

Not a single original manuscript has ever been found. Not a play, a poem, a page, a line, a word in his hand exists.


Moreover, Shakespeare's work shows that he is intimately familiar with the locations, customs, and everyday language of Europe and the Middle East. He is a great scholar of the classics. He understands multiple languages, astronomy, astrology, medicine, botany, Greek mythology, the Bible, and mathematics. Similarly, he understands music, seafaring millage, and aristocratic pursuits like tennis, swordsmanship, jousting, and court customs. 

Above all, he understands and has absolute perfect mastery of the law. And yet, in his last will and testament, he didn't own a single book, not even a family Bible. Finally, he has the bare minimum of education, if any. He doesn't show up at Oxford and Cambridge or even junior school. So, he is this big mystery.

All of this initial information is quite compelling to Green but not enough to make him leave the comforts of his music career. However, a pivotal moment arrives when he experiences three extradimensional beings floating into his apartment in Los Angeles through the walls. The Beings give Green new and specific enhancements to his mathematical and cryptographic abilities. This shift in perception becomes the catalyst for his investigation.

Breaking Codes

Meanwhile, Green's newfound skills allow him to recognize cryptic patterns within Shakespeare's writing. His focus shifts to deciphering codes embedded in the playwright's gravestone and monument. Green emphasizes his advantage as a musician, where pattern recognition plays a crucial role. These initial discoveries lead him to suspect the involvement of a historical cryptographer.

Green identifies Dr. John Dee as a potential source of the codes. John Dee (July 13, 1527 – 1609) was an English mathematician, astronomer, teacher, astrologer, occultist, and alchemist. Further, he was Elizabeth I's court astronomer and her advisor. Therefore, based on his reputation as a leading cryptographer of the time, he explores the possibility of Dee embedding messages within the Shakespearean text using a specific system.

Most importantly, Green delves into specific examples, showcasing the triple tau symbol – a known masonic symbol – visible on Shakespeare's gravestone. The three T's joined together in a particular way, representing the three crosses on Calvary. As a result, it's a well-known symbol in the free Masonic codes. Before Freemasonry was the Rosicrucian, which John D was the head of. Of course, it's a secret organization, so no document exists that can support this claim.

Hidden in Plain sight

Meanwhile, the gravestone of Shakespeare shows a triple tau, visible right down the middle without it being encrypted T, T, and T. And with the name Jesus on top forming a tau Cross, which is familiar to the whole the symbolism of the app. In addition, there are th's in the gravestone, which are ligature (combined letters). So, that is an additional code that means something precious is concealed. Also, there are a couple of ligature pieces together that are usually not done, like Am II. Green's translation says this is the symbol I Am, that I Am is the name of God, and I Am that I Am Me. I Am that I Am. And it's set in a pattern of four, two, and six.

Further, He explains its significance as a key to a hidden message. On June 24 (6, 2, 4), a document was channeled to John Dee, known as the Enochian tables, which consists of a set of four tables and is a system of spiritual exploration and symbolism. The Enochian table is a massive document of 624 (6,2,4) squares with 624 (6,2,4) characters. All these symbolisms are on Shakespeare's gravestone on the monument in the pattern of six to four or backward four to six.

Who done it?

More examples of the 6, 2, and 4 Enochian connections exist. For example, many Oxfordians argue that Edward de Vere was the true author of Shakespeare's plays. De Vere was an aristocrat with an intimate understanding of aristocratic life; his advanced education (Cambridge and Oxford University) and the notable structural similarities between his poetry and Shakespeare's works were undeniable.

Green agrees that he might be the actual author behind Shakespeare's works. He points out the dedication of Shakespeare's sonnet structure is in a specific pattern (6 lines, 2 lines, 4 lines), which, when combined with the number of characters in the gravestone and monument inscriptions, totals 624. Consequently, this number aligns with the date of Dee's channeled document.

Finally, Green highlights cryptographic clues in Shakespeare's works to direct readers to the concept of "stigmata," or Christ's wounds. The term "living page" might imply a preserved altar stone where the stigmata marks are etched. These marks—representing the nails in Christ's hands and feet and the spear wound—are believed to be found on the Catholic altar near Shakespeare's grave in Holy Trinity Church.

Word up

Notably, the encoded messages in the Enochian tables further support this idea. The phrase "I have hewn" (it means cut into stone) appears, emphasizing the act of carving or cutting into stone. Therefore, this phrase is a poetic hint urging readers to focus on the altar stone, potentially containing hidden knowledge or a sacred truth. 

Likewise, the altar stone, known in Hebrew as the Holy of Holies altar stone, holds deep significance in Catholic Churches, tracing its origins back to Solomon's Temple. Within the original Holy of Holies resided the Ark of the Covenant, a sacred vessel. The Hebrew name for the Holy of Holies is "Divya," derived from "Devarim," meaning "word."

In other words, this connection underscores a profound spiritual concept: the original word. In the Gospel of John 1:1, it is written, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God." This "word" represents the transition from unity consciousness to creation, embodying duality—light and dark, male and female, yes and no. The essence of this polarity is vibration, sound, and light, the primal forces of creation. 

Additionally, Edward de Vere’s name intriguingly appears in various encoded forms as "De Vere" and "via," again suggesting he may have been the true Shakespeare. These connections point to a deeper understanding of unity, polarity, and the origins of creation itself.

The Password is? 

Another intriguing example comes from Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night. A character named Malvolio struggles to decode a cryptic message containing the letters "MOAI" and the instruction to "revolve." When reversed, these letters form "IAOM," which some scholars identify as a secret Freemason password. Remarkably, this password aligns with ancient practices and esoteric knowledge, including techniques resembling Kriya Yoga for raising spiritual consciousness. Most importantly, Shakespeare gives this password away in the 12th Night over 400 years ago.

In fact, according to some interpretations, Shakespeare embedded this sacred knowledge within his comedic plays. Such revelations suggest he had access to spiritual and esoteric traditions far beyond his time, potentially channeled through divine or mystical means.

Who's who

With all this in mind, one must ask: why go through the elaborate process of encoding messages in Shakespeare's works and creating a mysterious persona? One plausible explanation is that the author sought to preserve sacred knowledge while protecting their identity. Consequently, by attributing the works to "William Shakespeare," the actual author—possibly an aristocrat or mystic—could ensure that these profound insights reached a wide audience without personal repercussions. In other words, to ensure they were not persecuted by Queen Elizabeth I or members of the Church. Remember, 400 years ago, people were burned at the stake for being part of the "wrong" religion.

Meanwhile, the divine nature of these messages might explain their complexity. Encoded information often carries an aura of mystery, inviting those with the wisdom and curiosity to uncover more profound truths. Shakespeare's works, with their enduring appeal, do serve as the perfect vessel for this knowledge. Maybe we are just ready to go beyond the thinking brain and "visualize" the truth.

Souls desire

In conclusion, the theories surrounding Shakespeare's actual identity, authorship, and the encoded messages in his works offer a compelling glimpse into the intersection of literature, mysticism, and cryptography. Likewise, they add a rich layer of intrigue to our understanding of what is real and what is not. Based on the information I have just provided, I know that keeping my New Year resolution will benefit me: to thine own self be true.


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