Response Needed
Have you heard about the "shift"? If not, I'll briefly summarize the meaning of the term as I know it. In 2024, we, as humanity, have the highest level of consciousness in our history. As a result, awakening to the truth of our reality will be your greatest challenge. Cosmic new information will reveal itself to everyone in ways that might shock, scare, or excite you. The shift will occur when you don't react to the occurrence but instead stay neutral and observe what you encounter. As a result, when you allow yourself to be in the present moment and recognize the sensation you are feeling. Now, do this while not creating an agenda; you will shift into something you have never experienced before.
So, Will you stay still and experience the sensation of the event(s) so you can expand and grow? Or will you decide to react and avoid the new information? Here is the rub. Neither choice is wrong. You get to choose.


Over the years, I have shared many stories that stretch our belief of what is true. However, people still read the information and share with me that they, too, feel there is more to these stories than meets the eye. Are we just conspiracy theorists? Maybe, but what if we know the sensation we are feeling isn't fear but understanding, and we have not received all the information?
The shift, my friends, is this simple. What if we have ignored feeling all of our sensations? Yes, we can feel joy, sadness, anger, and excitement, but how much attention do we give to pain, fear, discomfort, and anxiety? Likewise, ignoring doesn't mean these sensations don't happen; we just choose to mask them with our own individual remedies.
Pain Relief will Never be the Same
I'm not here to cast blame. We all seek relief when we are uncomfortable, and many options are available to get that comfort. My suggestion is that we "be" with the discomfort as long as we can, without harming ourselves, and see what information comes from it. We are not here to be in pain; I believe we are here to have all the experiences this world offers. Why? So we can finally achieve discernment. Knowing from experience what you prefer vs. what you don't is liberating.
So, I prefer to investigate what lies beyond what the scientists say is possible. Similarly, I choose to learn more about life outside the shelter of this planet we call Earth. As a result, I want to share some new information I received about a shift I've been seeing these past several years.

Tomato Tomato
In December 2017, The New York Times published a series of groundbreaking articles that fundamentally shifted public discourse on UFOs, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). These articles provided evidence that the U.S. government had been quietly studying UFOs for years, lending credibility to a subject often dismissed as fringe or conspiratorial.
Consequently, one of the key revelations from these articles was the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). This program, which began in 2007 and reportedly ended in 2012, was a secretive initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Defense to investigate reports of unidentified flying objects. However, the existence of AATIP was largely unknown until the New York Times reports, which included interviews with former military officials and defense contractors involved in the program. Further, the articles emphasized that AATIP's focus was not on proving the existence of extraterrestrial life but on understanding the potential threats posed by these unexplained aerial phenomena.

A Byrd in the Hand
Meanwhile, a particularly compelling case discussed in these articles was the now-famous "Tic Tac" UFO encounter recorded by U.S. Navy pilots in 2004. The incident occurred off the coast of Southern California and involved the USS Nimitz carrier strike group. I just realized the USS Nimitz was named after Admiral Chester W. Nimitz. Nimitz was in charge of Operation Paper Clip, the Top Secret Antarctic mission led by Admiral Richard E. Byrd (blog link).
Furthermore, Nimitz reported to the Secretary of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy is a civilian position and a member of the President's Cabinet (Truman). Above all, the Secretary of the Navy was James V. Forrestal, and under the direction of President Truman, Forrestal created the Top Secret group Majestic 12 (MJ-12). All of these men were involved in UFO intel in the 40s and 50s, and some fifty years later, Naval Aviators captured a UFO for the world to see.

In addition, the two Navy fighter pilots, Commander David Fravor and Lieutenant Commander Jim Slaight, were on a routine training mission when they encountered an object that defied conventional scientific understanding of aerodynamics and physics.
Tic Tac D'oh!!
To be clear, the "Tic Tac" UFO has a description of a white, oblong object, roughly the size of a commercial airplane, but without wings, rotors, or any visible means of propulsion. It maneuvered in impossible ways, accelerating rapidly, making abrupt changes in direction, and hovering without any detectable source of lift. The object appeared to descend from an altitude of 80,000 feet to just 50 feet above the ocean surface within seconds, a feat no known military or commercial aircraft could achieve.
The New York Times articles included declassified videos captured by the Navy's advanced targeting systems, providing visual evidence to support the pilots' accounts. These videos, known as "FLIR1," "GIMBAL," and "GOFAST," showed the object moving at high speeds and performing maneuvers beyond the capabilities of any human-made aircraft. The release of these videos and the testimony of the pilots brought unprecedented credibility to UFO reports, challenging the long-standing stigma associated with the subject.
The articles also shed light on the broader context of UAP research within the U.S. government. They revealed that AATIP was not the only program investigating UFOs and that interest in the phenomenon persisted even after the program's official termination. The reporting suggested that some sightings might involve advanced technology from foreign adversaries. However, the extraordinary flight characteristics of objects like the "Tic Tac" UFO left open the possibility of other, more exotic explanations.

No more lies
The 2017 New York Times articles were pivotal in reigniting public interest in UFOs. Consequently, they helped shift the narrative from skepticism and ridicule to serious questioning, prompting subsequent investigations and hearings in the U.S. Congress. As a result, the articles marked a turning point or SHIFT in how UFOs are perceived, elevating the discussion to a more open and transparent exploration of the phenomenon.

You are free to walk about the universe
I love connecting the dots of disparate images or numbers and revealing a cohesive picture of something always in front of me that could not be detected otherwise.
Watching the UFO videos is fun, and I wonder what life would be like if we could use this technology. The first step in my shift is feeling the sensation of wonder vs. getting mad that the UFO information is unavailable or partially hidden. I prefer to be open to the possibility that the human race is about to receive an upgrade to first-class travel and more! "KO"?