The Good Book

What do you Know? 

The older I get, the more I look at the information I have consumed from my teachers in life. Some instructors were from grade school through college, and others from my religious upbringing. Today, I want to look at the religious training I encountered. The King James Bible is the book that forms the foundation of all my education. As a result, I questioned who actually edited the book. What I found was fascinating.

Firstly, King James I of England needed to produce an English-language Bible acceptable to both Anglicans and Puritans. In 1606, he appointed scholars to edit and translate scriptures into his version of the Biblical text. Consequently, The King James Bible was created in the early 17th century. That is to say, this translation, known as the Authorized Version, was completed in 1611.

To clarify, a committee of around 47 scholars and theologians, divided into six groups or "companies," carried out the editing and translation process. 

Check my work

In addition, these companies operated at three institutions: Westminster Abbey, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Oxford. So, each group was assigned a portion of the Bible to translate and edit, and their work was then reviewed and revised by the other groups to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Further, the scholars who worked on the King James Bible were among the most learned men of their time, well-versed in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, as well as in the theological and historical contexts of the scriptures. As a result, their work was a translation that has profoundly influenced the English language and Christian worship for centuries.

R U Curious

Moreover, there is a working theory that one man with tremendous influence guided the editing from the start. Francis Bacon, an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, and author, was a prominent figure in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. He is best known for his contributions to developing the scientific method and his philosophical works. 

The hypothesis that Francis Bacon was involved in the editing or writing of the King James Bible stems from theories that view Bacon as a central figure in various secret societies, including the Rosicrucians and Freemasons. Subsequently, these theories propose that Bacon's philosophical ideas and interest in mystical knowledge influenced the final version of the King James Bible. Some proponents of this view even argue that Bacon was the actual author and that the King James Bible contains hidden messages or codes attributed to him.

In addition, some believe that Francis Bacon is an incarnation of one of the Twelve Elohim (original Gods), Master R. Master R, also known as Master Rakoczi or St. Joseph, Moses, and even the Count of St. Germain, is a figure in Theosophy (read my blog on this for more insight) and certain esoteric spiritual traditions. Moreover, he is one of the Ascended Masters, a group of twelve spiritually enlightened beings who guide humanity's evolution. Most importantly, in these traditions, Master R is a highly advanced soul who has achieved ascension, a state of spiritual liberation where the individual transcends the cycle of birth and death. 

Seventh Light

Master R is often associated with historical figures such as the Count of St. Germain, a mysterious European figure from the 18th century known for his knowledge of alchemy, mysticism, and esoteric subjects. Some believe that St. Germain was an incarnation of Master R, who has had multiple lifetimes to further his spiritual mission. Therefore, it's not implausible to suggest that Master R is Francis Bacon and ancient figures such as the Egyptian deity Hermes Trismegistus, St. Joseph, or even St. Germain.

Moreover, in Theosophy, Master R is considered the Chohan (or Lord) of the Seventh Ray, associated with ceremonial order, magic, and transformation. That is to say, this ray governs the current Age of Aquarius, a time of spiritual awakening and global transformation. In other words, it is a time when society will be more philosophical, networked, and integrated globally. Master R's influence is said to help create a new world order based on higher spiritual principles, where humanity aligns more closely with divine will, otherwise known as Karma or Kismet.


The concept of Master R and other Ascended Masters conforms to belief systems that incorporate Theosophy, spirituality, and certain forms of mysticism. Consequently, these traditions often emphasize the idea of spiritual order, reincarnation, and the evolution of the soul. In mainstream religions like Christianity, Islam, or Judaism, the concept of Ascended Masters like Master R is generally not acknowledged or integrated into their doctrinal structures. However, elements of these teachings and the term Elohim are in the King James Bible.


For those who believe in or are curious about the Ascended Masters, Master R represents the opportunity to achieve spiritual mastery and contribute to humanity's upliftment. He is the guide who works behind the scenes to influence world events and spiritual movements, leading humanity toward greater enlightenment. As a result, the guide constantly directs us to the light.


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