Do you know who you are?

Question everything 

On August 10, 1846, President James K. Polk signed into law the establishment of the Smithsonian Institution through an act of the United States Congress. James Smithson, a British scientist and mineralogist, bequeathed his entire estate (about $8M today) to the United States. He stipulated an institution dedicated to the "increase and distribution of knowledge" be created with the funds.

Despite having no direct connections to the United States during his lifetime, James Smithson's mysterious decision to leave his estate to the U.S. laid the foundation for the Smithsonian Institution. Since its founding, the institution has evolved into a world-renowned center for research, education, and the dissemination of knowledge. The Smithsonian has played a significant role in advancing science, culture, and education by operating numerous museums, research centers, and educational programs.

However, increasing and distributing knowledge to the general public may be absent these past 177 years. How? Over the past several years, I have researched and written many articles about 

Egyptian artifacts found in Illinois cavesEgyptian civilizations in the Grand Canyon, and the hiding or destroying bones of giant humans in North America. Moreover, each story has a direct link to the Smithsonian Institute, either taking over the dig or debunking the claims of the archeologist. Consequently, the public never gets to see the material evidence. 

What's in a Name? 

The more stories I write regarding strange or exciting phenomena, the more I see the Smithsonian taking part in concealing or discrediting the report. So, I thought I'd learn a little bit more about this government institution and the man who decided to fund it.


James Smithson was a British scientist born in the 18th century. He was born James Lewis Macie on c. 1765 in Paris, France, to Hugh Percy, the first Duke of Northumberland, and Elizabeth Hungerford Keate Macie. His mother passed away when he was young, and his uncle, James Macie, raised him.

Smithson showed an early interest in science and mineralogy. He attended Pembroke College, Oxford, and later became a Fellow of the Royal Society in London. He adopted the surname Smithson when his maternal uncle, James Macie, bequeathed his estate on the condition that he assume the Smithson name.

James Smithson's contributions to science include publications on various scientific topics, particularly in the field of chemistry and mineralogy. Despite his involvement in the scientific community, Smithson is best known for his philanthropic legacy, which led to the establishment of the Smithsonian Institution.

Rights and Privilages 

After he died in 1829, Smithson's remains were laid to rest in Italy. In 1904, however, at the request of then-President Theodore Roosevelt, Smithson's remains were brought to the United States and reinterred near the Smithsonian Institution's first building, now known as the Smithsonian Institution Building or "The Castle," on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

So, how does a man who never lived or visited the U.S. leave $8M to the U.S. government to curate antiquities? Furthermore, how can a government institute confiscate the findings of a private excavation and remove the archeologist and owner from their property?

According to the legal charter set by the U.S. Government, The Smithsonian Institution, as a federal entity, does not have the authority to take private property through eminent domain or any other means without proper legal processes. Eminent domain, which is the power of the government to take private property for public use with just compensation to the owner, is subject to constitutional limitations.

Moreover, if there were any situations where private property is acquired for the Smithsonian's use or any other federal purpose, it would typically be done through legal procedures, negotiations, and compensation to the property owner. These processes would be under the law and constitutional principles that protect property rights.

Smithsonian Institution Building or "The Castle," on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

We have a Champion

It's important to note that specific circumstances, laws, and regulations can vary, and any instances of property acquisition by the Smithsonian or other federal agencies would need to adhere to legal standards and due process. Property owners affected by such actions would have legal rights, including the right to fair compensation and due process protections.

I did some research and found an interesting case being levied against the Smithsonian by the American Institution of Alternative Archeology (AIAA). Most importantly, The AIAA has accused the Smithsonian Institution of a coverup of evidence related to the existence of ancient humans in North America. The AIAA claims that the Smithsonian has suppressed evidence of giants, pyramid builders, and other advanced civilizations that existed in North America before the arrival of Europeans.

The Smithsonian has denied these allegations, calling them "unfounded" and "sensationalistic." However, the AIAA has produced many documents and artifacts that it contends support its claims. These include photographs of giant skeletons, stone tools, and other artifacts that it says were found at archaeological sites in North America.

As a result, some mainstream archaeologists have met the AIAA's allegations with skepticism, but many people who believe the Smithsonian is hiding the truth about the past have followed them.

What do we Know? 

Here are some of the specific allegations that the AIAA has made against the Smithsonian:

  • The Smithsonian has destroyed or hidden evidence of giant skeletons found in North America.
  • The Smithsonian has suppressed evidence of pyramid builders and other advanced civilizations that existed in North America before the arrival of Europeans.
  • The Smithsonian has rewritten history textbooks to remove any mention of the existence of ancient humans in North America.
  • The Smithsonian has denied all of these allegations. It has stated that it has no evidence of giant skeletons or other advanced civilizations in North America. It has also indicated that it does not censor history textbooks.

The debate over the AIAA's allegations will likely continue for some time. There is no definitive evidence to support or refute the claims. On the other hand, the AIAA's allegations have raised important questions about the Smithsonian's role in shaping our understanding of the past.

In other words, you can take legal action against this and any other government agency, but you will meet with great resistance.

Extra, extra, Read all About It! 

Furthermore, archaeologists have found Egyptian artifacts in Illinois and Arizona caves over the past century, as described in the third paragraph. As a result, I will share a news story about recent evidence of the Smithsonian hiding critical information.

The Smithsonian's Egyptian Collection: A Hidden History (written on 2/28/18)

(New York Times) - The Smithsonian Institution's Egyptian collection is one of the largest and most important in the world. Yet, the collection's true significance has been hidden from the public for many years.

In the early 20th century, the Smithsonian began to acquire Egyptian artifacts from various sources, including archaeological expeditions and private collectors. However, the museum's curators were reluctant to display the artifacts, fearing the overwhelming evidence of Egyptian influence on Native American cultures.

Read all About It! 

The Smithsonian's Egyptian collection was kept in storage for decades, out of public view. It wasn't until the 1970s that the museum began to display the artifacts, and even then, they downplayed their significance.

In recent years, there has been a growing movement to highlight the Smithsonian's Egyptian collection and to acknowledge its importance to our understanding of the past. Curators and historians are now working to recontextualize the artifacts and to tell a more complete story of Egypt's global influence.

The Smithsonian's Egyptian collection is a valuable resource, but it is important to remember that it is also a product of its time. The museum's curators were influenced by the prevailing views of their era, and they shaped the collection accordingly. Today, we have a better understanding of the past, and we can use the Smithsonian's Egyptian collection to tell a more complete and accurate story of the world.

I hopi you understand what I'm saying...

I share the story above as an identifier of change. Most importantly, what we are officially told does not always align with the truth. In addition, it is up to us to ensure we investigate all claims before deciding on what is real and what is not. Did the Egyptians settle in America and live among the Native Americans? Were there Giant red-haired men and women in Nevada and New Mexico?

To sum up, let's not rush to judgment. If we do, we may be dismissing the most important aspects of who we are and how we got to this place in time. Stay curious! 

Hopi prophecy stone 


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