An anniversary of remembering


If you are an ardent reader of my blogs, you will undoubtedly understand that I believe we are the actual creators of our reality. I have produced hundreds of historical and current events that bear this truth. However, I did not divine this information through meditation or investigation. No, it was my wife (Lisa) who introduced me 'gently' to the idea that life was more than my five senses were showing me. This revelation, that our perception shapes our understanding of the world, has been a profound source of enlightenment and empowerment for me, and I'd like to share it with you.

Today, I want to give a special thanks to the woman who has been a part of my life since I was seven years old. Yes, I met my wife on my first day of first grade. We waited to get married when I grew up or, in this case, when I turned 35! 

STATE of being 

I'll save that story for another post. Most importantly, I need you all to know that Lisa has told those interested for the better part of twenty years that the world we live in is 99.9% energy (Lisa's website).

And, what creates energy to change from waveform to particles (see blog here)? Your attention. What you focus on is what you create. Lisa teaches that our reality is photonic (particles) or projection-based.

It doesn't Matter 

Curious, I asked Chat GPT to define what I already knew from Lisa's teaching. How much of everything on this Earth is made up of actual matter? If you doubt me, please type this into your AI of choice and see what information is released.

Here is the response from Chat GPT: When considering how much of everything on Earth is made up of actual matter, it is essential first to define what we mean by "matter." Matter consists of anything that has mass and takes up space, such as solids, liquids, and gases. Yet, surprisingly, much of what we perceive as solid is primarily empty space, as the atomic structure of matter is predominantly made up of vast voids between subatomic particles. In fact, the percentage of actual, tangible matter that makes up everything on Earth is much smaller than most people realize.


Firstly, let's examine atoms, the building blocks of matter. Atoms consist of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, with electrons orbiting around it. While it may seem like these components take up most of the space, the truth is quite the opposite. As a result, the nucleus takes up less than 0.01% of an atom's volume, while electrons spread far from the nucleus, leaving the rest of the atom as empty space. Consequently, even though atoms are the basic units of matter, over 99.9% of an atom is actually empty space.

Moreover, when breaking down the Earth's composition as a whole, we find that most of its mass comes from just a handful of elements, including oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, and calcium. Despite this, the arrangement of these elements still follows the atomic structure mentioned earlier, meaning the solid Earth is also mostly empty space at the atomic level. Therefore, while the Earth is composed of a solid crust, mantle, and core, the tangible matter that makes up the Earth's mass is similarly reduced when accounting for the vast emptiness within atoms.

In addition, we must consider how forces and fields further complicate the perception of matter. Electromagnetic fields, for instance, hold atoms together and give objects their shape and structure. Consequently, these forces contribute to how we perceive solid objects, yet they do not count as matter themselves. As a result, what we think of as "substance" is primarily the result of invisible forces rather than actual matter.

It is not what it looks like 

Considering these factors, experts estimate that only a minuscule fraction—around 0.0001%—of everything we observe and experience as "solid" consists of actual, tangible matter. As a result, the rest is empty space and force fields holding the structure together. This idea challenges our everyday experience but is fundamental to understanding the nature of the physical world.

So, in comparison, what would we or the Earth look like without space? Physicist Richard Feynman once suggested that if you removed all the empty space from the atoms in the human body, the remaining matter could fit into a particle much smaller than a grain of sand. Similarly, if Earth was just its matter, it would be around the size of a marble but retain the same mass, making it extraordinarily dense.

In conclusion, while everything on Earth appears to be composed of solid matter, the truth is that actual matter constitutes only an infinitesimal fraction of it. The vast majority of what we perceive as solid objects is actually empty space. Understanding this can shift our perspective on the material world, highlighting the paradox that while we live in a seemingly solid universe, the actual substance of matter is incredibly rare.

The Giver

Lisa was born with this information, as we have all. However, she always remembered that this reality is of our making. To clarify, my wife has been teaching this information for many years, and I am her student. I'm grateful to know this information, as it has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. Lisa doesn't ask for or desire attention; I share this information with you so that you, too, can benefit from being reminded that all things are possible. For that, I say thank you to Lisa for her love and patience with me. 

Further, Lisa teaches that non-judgment is the critical ingredient for shifting into this new understanding. In other words, do not judge yourself or others for hiding or not comprehending this essential piece of information. Instead, rejoice in the fact that you are reading this here and now and can focus on what you prefer and not what you deem intolerable. I know this to be true. I have and continue to practice the formula of recognizing, feeling, nonjudgement, allowing, transmuting, and embodying. Want to learn more? Check out Lisa's website and see what you forgot. 

A Marriage of Convenience

In short, I want to say how grateful I am for having you (Lisa) in my life and for our amazing daughter. I truly could not have imagined such a wonderful life without you and Sophia. As we celebrate our 23rd year of marriage and our 51st year of spending time with each other, I want you to know how excited I am to be in this now moment with you, and I look forward to what we will create individually and as a family! I love you very much! 

One last tip from Lisa: There is no past or future; everything is here now, in the present moment. Oh, and there's more! 

I wrote this letter to Lisa in 1977, and we used it as our wedding invitation in 2001. Tell me you're not the creator of your reality. 


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